$379.64 $542.34
Quick Stats
-1625 sq ft of interior floor area
-2 full bathrooms
-sleeps up to 12
-large main-floor bedroom
-full walkout basement with bathroom and laundry
-Editable CAD files are available for separate purchase - please enquire
Reflecting rural farmstead homes in the north-eastern U.S. and Canada, the Algonquin combines the comfort, elegance and nostalgia of the American Farmhouse style with fully modern lifestyles in mind. Pared down to the essentials, this modern farmhouse is efficient, flexible and adaptable to a variety of building sites, family types and homeowner lifestyles.
Equally suited to both rural and suburban locations, the Algonquin’s generous and open main floor, built-in closet space, a second full bathroom and a full daylight, walkout basement with room for up to 3 additional bedrooms, a rec room or a workshop add up to a home that’s practical & hardworking.
This plan can be customized; please enquire. Drawings are available in PDF format for easy printing for immediate use, or CAD files in .dwg format for professional use by your engineer or architect.
The full package set is comprised of 27 individual drawings spread across 7 ‘arch-D’-sized pages
-Floor plan(s): Detailed plans, drawn to 1/4" scale for each level showing room dimensions, wall partitions, windows, etc.
-Exterior elevations: A blueprint picture of all four sides showing exterior materials and measurements.
-Multiple building sections: Vertical cutaway views of the house from roof to foundation showing details of framing, construction, flooring and roofing.
-Construction details: Shows floor, ceiling, and wall assemblies as well as other typical wall, floor and roof assembly details.
-Exterior finishing options
-Roof framing plan: Roof framing or truss directions are shown, slope directions are indicated and structural members are sized and called out if applicable.
-Enlarged kitchen plan detail
-Enlarged bathroom plan detail
-Kitchen interior elevation
-Bathroom interior elevation
-Foundation plan: Drawn to 1/4" scale, this page shows all necessary notations and dimensions including support columns, walls and excavated and unexcavated areas.
-Window and Door schedule